
Your customers expect you to have an
online presence for your offline business


I’m an enthusiastic website designer, passionate about assisting you in positioning your business online for its success.  

Every website is unique in design and purpose and my goal is to create a website to “HERO” your style and business.

Partner with me as we navigate your journey to designing an impactful, interactive and responsive website.

My Work

How to HERO your Business

How to HERO your Business

Design Features

Elements of Visual Design

Elements of Visual Design


I’m all about IMAGERY. I believe pictures give the first impression thus, creating an overall mood.
IMAGERY can represent content on the website in one of two ways, contained content or immersive content.
Contained IMAGERY is boxed as we generally know it. Immersive IMAGERY has more motion and fluidity.
IMAGERY can be represented in various styles such as illustrations, photos, 3D and video.

Colour creates a mood which in turn impacts our behaviour and how we experience or interact with the website.

Another relationship we have with colour is in it’s functionality. This ultimately influences the way we navigate the site.



I enjoy working with TYPOgraphy. There are numerous ways in which we can illustrate our point of view merely by using words.

It’s interesting how TYPOgraphy can clarify a brand, giving it an identity.
TYPOgraphy can captivate imagery into language and transport knowledge across various platforms as we see it today through texting, tweets, blogs etc.


Language plays an important part in how we shape the mood and tone of the site.

For example, our intention may be of a serious, business-like nature and therefore we will use language with a formal, professional and
thoughtful tone.

On the other hand, we might want to create a more relaxed, playful-like approach.  Here we would use fun, jovial and spirited language.

ShApEs style the website with their interactive elements such as buttons and navigational features.

ShApEs also add a look and feel element to the site when mixed in with our imagery, thus influencing direction and movement.



An iCON is a simple representation of something in picture form.

There is a difference between iCONs and symbols.  Where iCONs represent something in a pictorial form, symbols represent a thing in a non-pictorial form.

But often we can assign a meaning to something that can make it work as an iCON and symbol.

Customer Reviews

What people say?

What people say?

New Generation Emerging Farmers

We had no time and minimal knowledge of what was needed to create an efficient working website. We needed someone to take control and work independently.

We found you incredibly resourceful and you possess the patience of a saint as we really did not know what we wanted. Your efforts in researching the industry to understand our needs was curtail to the result. We found the whole process a great experience. We ended up with a website we loved.

After the first draft, minimal changes had to be done on the layout

The final website looks great and there has been a notable increase in traffic.  It is working harder and looking fantastic.

I am extremely happy with the service you provide and have no hesitation in recommending you.

Security and Appliance Centre

Our company was invisible to the public media with no visual reference to what we can offer our clients in terms of service delivery.  Since you created our website we have had numerous compliments and leads for new projects.

Your friendly, professional and personalized service met all our needs and made your product a cut above the rest at a very affordable cost.

I would not hesitate to work with you again!

Digital Conversions

You were able to elevate my specialized business in digital conversions to a platform on the internet, giving my business a much wider scope in terms of advertising and increased turnover.

Within a short period of time my website was up and running smoothly.

I have now found that nearly 50% of my business is as a result of the attractive website you developed for me.

Your service is excellent!

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Cheryl (Chez) Woudstra